
Return to Training Q&A Zoom Meeting

Sun, 24 May 2020
from 5:00pm to 6:00pm

by Matthew Slattery
Posted: almost 5 years ago
Updated: almost 5 years ago by Matthew Slattery
Visible to: public

Time zone: Melbourne
Reminder: 1 hour before
Ends: 06:00pm (duration is about 1 hour)


Training in small groups is now approved by the Vic Government and AFL Victoria. As we prepare our club for training to begin next week, we need to inform you of what steps we’re taking to keep everyone as safe as possible. Tonight we begin that training with the attached AFL Vic Document “Return to Small Outdoor Group Training of Up-To 10 People” protocols. This will help you understand what’s being asked of your club to make it the safest environment it can be.
There is also a form to sign for each parent/guardian & player before they are able to train. It should also be understood that unless you are registered as a player you cannot train especially due to the insurance coverage in this COVID era.

Another fundamental hurdle for our club to return to training was to appoint a “COVID Safety Officer.” Tonight we can advise that Pat Broderick has taken this role and he will be leading us through this and also your point of contact for any queries you may have. He has a big task ahead of him and I’d like you to join me in saying “Thanks Pat.” His details, along with Jason Crouch and mine are on the “Authority To Train” form to help with any information you need.

We are working with the school to make training as seamless as possible and hope to have some more details available for you soon.

For Sunday’s Zoom Q&A, Here is the link which should get you there.

Meeting ID: 782 2092 8436
Password: 600462

If you have any problems getting through, please just text my phone on 0407844942.

Footy training IS starting again, but it will be a bit different for a little while yet. Let’s work together to make it the best it can be and of course…Stay Safe.

NOTE: If you have any questions you’d like answered and prefer not to ask on the day, please email Pat at Myself. Our email details are on the Authority form.


Matt Slattery
Aquinas Junior Football Club
  • [2020-May-20 10:07 PM] Matthew Slattery : Updated

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